
Information for my class can be found here.

For text reminders text @gardner1b to 81010 or @gardner1b to (623) 552-4519.

For email reminders send a blank email to gardner1b@mail.remind.com

For the app go to rmd.at/gardner1b

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hannah's ice pack was returned anonymously. Thank you so much for returning it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Extra Credit #2

Have you seen the light blue ice pack for Hannah’s milk?

A teacher accidently gave it to a student who got hurt. If you know where it is, please return it to Mrs. Gardner so she can use it to keep Hannah’s milk cold. Thank you.

Extra credit and a CANDY reward will be given to the student who returns the ice pack.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Extra Credit #1

There are 8 bits in a byte.

There are 1024 bytes in a kilobyte.
There are 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte.
There are 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte.
There are 1024 gigabytes in a terabyte.

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus.
A serial port transmits data one bit at a time.
A USB has a bandwidth of 1.5 megabytes per second.

How many bits per second does a USB transport?

How many bytes in a terabyte?

How many bits in a terabyte?

Email your answer to Mrs. Gardner (click on this link). Use Mrs. Gardner's email address if you don't have one. Make sure you include your name, your grade, your homeroom teacher, and "Extra Credit #1" in the email.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I am thankful for the soldiers who risk their lives to ensure my freedom.
I am thankful for founding fathers who created a constitution that guarantees my freedoms.
I am thankful for citizenship in the United States of America.
I am thankful for a healthy daughter.
I am thankful for a happy daughter whose smile brightens my day.
I am thankful for a loving and supportive husband.
I am thankful for parents who taught me what was right and to earn my privileges.
I am thankful for a home to live in, to keep me warm and safe.
I am thankful for a job to help provide for the things I need.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

5th Grade - Proano

Week of October 31

1) Typing Lessons 1-4

2) Math Timed Tests (Hooda Math) - 100 mixed problems - click on the link on the website page

3) Free time - play any game on my blog - first go to the 5th grade page and play 3 games

6th Grade - Zizis and Clafton

Week of October 31st

1) Typing Lessons 1-10

2) Math Timed Test (Hooda Math) - 100 mixed problems - click on the link on the webite page

3) Free time - play any game on my blog - 1st play 3 games on the 6th grade page

or start your homework online

Here is your homework for this week. You can complete it on paper or online.

2nd Grade - Navarro and Clayton

Week of October 31, 2011

1) Math Timed Test - 25 subtraction (go to the website page)

2) Star Fall - It is Fun To Read - Art Gallery - Read about all 6 artists - play all the games at the end of each story (go to the website page)

3) Free Time - play 3 games on the 2nd grade page - then any game on my blog
You may also pay Around the World, Around the City, or Around the House

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

5th Grade - Wright

Week of October 31st

1) Typing Lessons 1-5

2) Math Timed Tests (Hooda Math) - 100 mixed problems - click on the link on the website page

3) Free choice - any game on my blog - go to the 5th grade page first and play 3 games

4th Grade

Week of October 31st

1) Typing Lessons 1-3 - click on the websites page

Math Lesson - click here

3) Free Choice - play games on my blog - go to the 4th grade page first and play 3 games

Monday, October 31, 2011

Soto, Hernandez, Kolo

Week of October 31, 2011

1) Soto Hernandez Kolo

2) Star Fall - ABCs - go to the website page

3) Free Time - 3 games on the 1st grade page - then any game on my blog
You may also play Around the World

7th and 8th grades

Week of October 31st

1) Typing Lessons 1-15

2) Math Timed Tests - Hooda Math - 100 mixed problems

3) Free time on my blog

or start homework

Vocabulary 10 Homework
7th Grade - Due November 7th
8th Grade - Due November 8th
Complete on paper or on the internet

3rd Grade - Sims and Martin

Week of October 31st

1) Typing Lessons 1-4

Math Lesson

3) Free Time - on my blog - Three 3rd grade games first

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2nd Grade

1. Math Timed Test (go to the Website page) - 25 addition - email to kgardner@Ltsphoenix.org

2. Star Fall (go to the Website page) - All About Me - all the stories

3. Free time - 3 games on the 2nd grade page, then any game on my blog

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

4th Grade - Halpern

Math Fact Cafe for 11/04/11

4th - 8th Grade Extra Credit

We learned that 8 bits are in a byte.

For extra credit, find out:

how many bytes are in a kilobyte

how many kilobytes in a megabyte

how many megabytes in a gigabyte

how many gigabytes in a terabyte

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 11 - October 24-28

1st Grade - Soto - Hernandez - Kolo


Star Fall (ABC's)

Free Time

3rd Grade - Sims and Martin


Typing Lessons 1-3

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 10 - October 17-21, 2011

2nd Grade - Navarro and Clayton -

1) Dance Mat Typing - Level 3 Stage 8

2) Math Timed Test - 25 addition

3) Then free time on my Blog - 2nd grade page first - 3 games

8th Grade -

1) Typing Lessons 9-12

2) Hooda Math - 100 mixed problems

3) Then free time on my Blog - 8th grade page first - 3 games

4th Grade - Ferenchak and Halpern -

1) Typing Lessons 1-2

Math Lesson

3) Then free time on my Blog - 4th grade page first - 3 games

5th Grade -Wright and Proano -

1) Typing Lessons 1-3

2) Hooda Math - 100 mixed problems

3) Then free time on my Blog - 5th grade page first - 3 games

3rd Grade - Sims and Martin -

1) Typing Lessons - Lesson 1 and 2 - I will show you how to do this. You should be done with Dance Mat Typing.

2) Then Hooda Math -
I will show you how to do this

3) Then free time on my Blog - 3rd grade page first - 3 games

6th Grade - Zizis and Clafton

1) Typing Lessons 7-9

2) Then Hooda Math - mixed

3) Then free time on my Blog - 6th grade page first - 3 games

7th Grade - Vogt & Atteberry -

1) Typing Lessons 9, 10, 11, 12

2) Then Hooda Math - mixed

3) Then free time on my Blog - 7th grade page first - 3 games

1st Grade - Soto and Hernandez - K-1 - KOLO

1) Dance Mat Typing - Level 3 Stage 8

Math Lesson

3) Then free time on my Blog - 1st grade page first - 3 games

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One Month

Hannah is now one month old. She is getting so big!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Baby Hannah

Well, here are some of the pictures I promised you. Hannah is now 1 week old. She sleeps a lot and she is a very good baby. We love her very much.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lesson 2

Typing Lessons - Dance Mat Typing

Instructions: Listen and follow the directions given by the characters.

1st and 2nd graders -Level 1, Stage 2

3rd, 4th, and 5th graders - Level 1, Stages 3 and Level 2, Stage 1

6th, 7th, and 8th graders - Level 2, Stages 4, 5, and 6

Math Lesson

Instructions -

1st, 2nd 3rd, and 4th graders click "begin" and type the answer to the problems then press enter. Raise your hand when you are done with all 25 questions and show your score to the teacher. After you show your score, you may choose to do any activity in your grade level page on Mrs. Gardner's blog.

5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders - click on start, choose subtraction, choose 100 problems, type your answer and press enter. When you are done, you may check your answers then submit your score. Press submit, Type your first name, your last initial, and teacher's last name, my email
kgardner@ltsphoenix.org, and then press send. You do not have to include your email addresses (you can if you want). This will be part of your grade for the day so if you don't submit it correctly, you will get a zero. If you do not finish this in class today, it will be homework. You may try again to get a better grade if you want. When you are done, you may choose to do any activity in your grade level page on Mrs. Gardner's blog.

1st graders - Math Facts Cafe

2nd graders - Math Facts Cafe

3rd graders - Math Facts Cafe

4th graders - Math Facts Cafe

5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders - Hooda Math

Monday, August 22, 2011

Lesson 1

Typing Lessons - Dance Mat Typing

Instructions: Listen and follow the directions given by the characters.

1st and 2nd graders - Level 1, Stage 1 - complete together

3rd, 4th, and 5th graders - Level 1, Stages 1 and 2

6th, 7th, and 8th graders - Level 1, Stages 1, 2, and 3

1st - 8th grades click on this link

Math Lesson

Instructions -

1st, 2nd 3rd, and 4th graders click on "begin" and type the answer to the problems then press enter. Raise your hand when you are done with all 25 questions and show your score to the teacher. After you show your score, you may choose to do any activity in your grade level page on Mrs. Gardner's blog.

5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders - click on start, choose addition, choose 100 problems, type your answer and press enter. When you are done, you may check your answers then submit your score. Press submit, Type your first name, your last initial, and teacher's last name, my email kgardner@ltsphoenix.org, and then press send. You do not have to include your email addresses (you can if you want). This will be part of your grade for the day so if you don't submit it correctly, you will get a zero. If you do not finish this in class today, it will be homework. You may try again to get a better grade if you want. When you are done, you may choose to do any activity in your grade level page on Mrs. Gardner's blog.

1st graders - Math Facts Cafe

2nd graders - Math Facts Cafe

3rd graders - Math Facts Cafe

4th graders - Math Facts Cafe

5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders - Hooda Math

HOMEWORK - 6th, 7th, and 8th graders

Click on this link to complete your homework online

The code is: QE3F7-4272

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Computer Lab Policies

This post includes all the notices that went home regarding computer lab policies. It also includes detailed letters (English only) describing the policies in further detail.
Have a great year!
Mrs. Gardner

Friday, July 29, 2011

It is almost August 10th

I am trying to find ways to add documents to my blog. Here are my tests. Click on the links to read the messages.


Baby Hannah

See you all soon!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pregnancy Pictures

Well, school will begin in less than a month and I promised pictures of my growing belly, so here they are. Enjoy!

December 26 ...............January 17............ .March 13 ..,..........April 29l
5 weeks 4 days .....8 weeks 5 days .. 16 weeks 4 days .23 weeks 2 days
(one month) .................(2 months)............. (4 months)...... (almost 6 months)

.....May 26.................................May 29 . .............ay . .........June 26
27 weeks 1 day............27 weeks 4 days . .........31 weeks 4 days
(almost 7 months) ... (almost 7 months) .... .. (almost 8 months)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Liberty Summer Stuff


There are more yearbooks in the office. If you have not yet purchased one, there is still time. They are $20.00 each and there are about 20 yearbooks left. Get yours today before we run out.

Graduated 8th Graders

There are graduation CDs in the office for you. If you have not yet received yours, stop by and get one for yourself.

If you did not recieve your 8th grade pictures at the end of the year, check the office. Some of the pictures arrived late so yours might be there.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer Pictures

Dear Students,

Many of you have been curious about the size of my stomach. In the early months of a pregnancy it is difficult to notice. The baby is so small that it doesn't need a lot of room. As the baby gets larger, so does my stomach. During the last few months my stomach will look bigger and I will look more and more pregnant.

Those last few months are during the summer and you will not see me during that time. Therefore, I will add pictures this summer of me and my growing belly. Come back often to my blog and you will get to see how my stomach starts too look more and more like one of a pregnant woman.

Have fun this summer!


Mrs. Gardner


After the baby is born, I'll post pictures for you to all see her.

Monday, May 16, 2011

4th, 5th, and 6th Graders

This week, we will be completing this in class together. Please click on this link.


7th and 8th Graders

We will be going to this website this week and completing it together.


8B - Monday, May 16, 2011

Today we will be taking a bully survy - if it is ready on time.

If the survey is not ready on time you will spend the class period working on missing assignments.

If you do not have any missing assignments and would like extra credit, you may complete this quiz on line - http://assignments.discoveryeducation.com/?cdPasscode=QA87F-4267

You user name is your grade, the first letter of your first name, and your last name
example if your name is Maria Garcia you would put 8Bmgarcia.

The passcode is QA87F-4267

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6th Grade - Vocabulary 3

Mr. Zizis's 6th Grade Homework Assignment

Click on the link below:




User Name:

your first initial - your last name (example: 6Zmgarcia)

GOAL - Get 100% - retake it if you need to

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6th Grade - vocabulary 2

Here is the link for this week's homework assignment for Mr. Zizis's class - due May 10th.


Your username is 6Z - then the first letter of your first name - then your last name
Example (if your name is Maria Garcia) - 6Zmgarcia

You need to try to earn 100% - you may take it more than once in order to get 100%

Here is the code for the Quiz


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The End is Near

As we draw to the close of another school year, I would like to let all of you know that I have really enjoyed being your computer teacher. I am looking forward to seeing you all next year, though it will be a bit different because Hannah is due on August 24th, just days after school begins.

Remember, the school year is not yet over, continue to give your best effort. Spend the last moments of this year enjoying your classmates, your teachers, and going above and beyond.


Mrs. Gardner

Thursday, April 28, 2011

5th grade cross word puzzle

Here are the words for the cross word puzzle


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6th Grade - April 26th

This quiz is for 6th grade, Mr. Zizis's class due by May 3rd.


Quiz Code: Q8FFA-42D4

UserName: 6Z - your first initial - your last name (example: 6Zmgarcia)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Purchase your yearbook now! There are only 93 yearbooks left. Yearbooks will arrive on Monday, May 16, 2011. If you ordered and paid for a yearbook, you will be able to take a yearbook home on May 16th. The yearbooks in COLOR and cost $20.00 (that is less than 50 cents per page). Pay for your yearbook now to guarantee you will receive one on May 16th. If you wait, we might run out and then you will not be able to receive one.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby News

Many of the students are anxious to know the gender of my baby. Today we found out it is a girl. Everything is progressing nicely and so far it is a very healthy baby.

Some students have been asking to see some new pictures, so here they are. She is a lot bigger this time, so it is more difficult to get a picture of her whole body.

These two pictures are of her head. You can see part of her hand near her chin.

The color picture is a 3D color picture of her face.

Here is a picture of her knee, leg and foot.

Here is a picture of her arm, hand and fingers. You can also see her leg is bent.

Monday, March 28, 2011

7A March 28, 2011

Complete this assignment - click on the link - then type your name and last initial


When you are done with this assignment come back to this post for more instructions.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

April 6th

Many students have been wondering about the gender of my baby. Good news is here. No, I don't know the gender yet. However, I do know WHEN I will find out. On Tuesday, April 5th I have a doctor's appointment and at that appointment I should find out. I will publish a post after my appointment so those with internet access can find out on that day.

I will finally be able to answer the question when students ask if it is a boy or a girl. I will know the answer and be able to tell students on April 6th.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yearbooks, Yearbooks, Yearbooks

It is not too late to order your color yearbook.

The sooner you order, the more likely you will get a copy when they arrive in May.

When we run out, we run out and we won't be purchasing any more.

Yearbooks are $20.00 each.

Start saving your money now - Do you get a weekly allowance? If you save two dollars per week you will have enough money to buy a yearbook when they arrive.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Video

I added a video to my blog. Check it out. It is about a minute long. Scroll down the right until you see it, then you can watch it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yearbook Contest

Would you like your artwork published in the yearbook? Do you want to write a poem or short story to be included in the yearbook? Don't forget the contest ends this Friday - March 11th. One winner from each grade level will be selected - enter your creation and you might be the lucky winner!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pickles and Yearbook Information

This is the last week for pickle sales. Wednesday and Friday this week are the last time you can purchase pickles for the yearbook fundraiser.

50 cents each

Would you like to be quoted in the yearbook? Fill out the questionaire and return it to Mrs. Gardner and one of your comments could be included in the yearbook! Hurry - the deadline is this Friday - March 4

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Big News

Mrs. Gardner is having a baby! It is only 13 weeks right now. Some of the students have requested a copy of my latest ultrasound photo so I decided to post it on my blog. Many students want to know if it is a boy or a girl. We don't know yet, it is too early to tell. Some students have asked me what the baby's name is. Again, we don't know yet because we don't know if it is a boy or a girl. If it is a boy, his name will be Luke. If it is a girl, her name will be Hannah.

Friday, February 4, 2011


We will begin learning about databases. Here are some databases you can use to search for a variety of things.




Friday, January 7, 2011

Full Color Yearbooks

Yearbook presales continue until we sell out! Preorder your FULL COLOR YEARBOOK now to make sure you get a copy when the yearbooks arrive in May.

Yearbooks are $20.00 each. Cash only please.