
Information for my class can be found here.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sign Up For Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Parents,

Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences by click on the link below.

Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.

Thank you very much!


Mrs. Gardner

Estimados padres de familia,

Por favor, registrarse para las conferencias de padres y maestros por hacer clic en el enlace de abajo.

Otoño Conferencias de Padres y Maestros.

Muchas gracias!


Mrs. Gardner

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Today in class we will be talking about the letter P. Tonight, students are to find something that begins with the letter P and bring it to school tomorrow (Tuesday).

The students need to read their letter books A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. The students receive a new book every day. We read them in class and they they bring them home. If your child has not brought them all home, just have your child read the ones he/she has brought home.

Students are to practice counting 0 to 10 and then backwards 10 to 0.

The kindergartners need to practice writing his/her name. If your child can write his/her name proficiently, then your child can practice writing his/her name once or twice. If your child is unable to write his/her name unassisted then he/she needs to practice writing his/her name 5-10 times.

Last week the 1st graders read a book called, "Dan and Nan." This week they are to read it aloud to someone every night for homework.

Last week the kindergartners read a book called "See What We Can Do." This is a picture book with no words. For homework, the Kindergartners are to read this book aloud to someone by telling about what they see on each page. Students are to use complete sentences and speak in English.

Kindergartners need to be able to read and spell the words: I, like

1st graders have a list of words they need to be able to read. Every week, more words are added to the list. See the page on this blog dedicated to those words. The 1st graders need to practice reading the words every day. It might be helpful to put the words on flash cards. Then you can quiz the student on the words and it will make it easier for you to focus on the words he/she does not know yet. Once the student has learned to read the words, he/she can begin learning to spell the words he/she already knows how to read.

It is important that you read to your child every day whether it is English or Spanish. Ask your child questions about what you read to him/her. Here are some ideas of some questions you could ask your child. Ask about the characters, the setting, and the main idea of the story. Ask about his/her favorite part and which parts he/she could relate to. Have your child compare and contrast the story to another story he/she has read before.

Your child needs to read aloud every day in English for 10-15 minutes. He/she may read the readers that are sent home every day. 

Hoy en clase vamos a estar hablando de la letra P. Esta noche, los estudiantes tienen que encontrar algo que comienza con la letra P y llevarlo a la escuela mañana (martes). 

Los estudiantes tienen que leer sus libros de letras A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. Los estudiantes reciben un libro nuevo cada día. Las leemos en clase y se los llevan a casa. Si su hijo no les ha traído a todos a casa, sólo que su niño lea los que él / ella ha traído a casa. 

Los estudiantes deben practicar contando 0 a 10 y luego hacia atrás 10 a 0. 

Los niños de kinder tienen que practicar la escritura de su / su nombre. Si su hijo puede escribir su / su nombre con soltura, entonces su hijo puede practicar la escritura de su / su nombre una o dos veces. Si su hijo es incapaz de escribir su / su nombre sin ayuda entonces él / ella necesita para practicar la escritura de su / su nombre 5-10 veces. 

La semana pasada los estudiantes del 1er grado leen un libro llamado, "Dan y Nan." Esta semana se van a leer en voz alta a alguien cada noche para hacer la tarea. 

La semana pasada los alumnos de kindergarten leen un libro que se llama "ver que Puede Hacer" Se trata de un libro de imágenes sin palabras. Como tarea, los niños de preprimaria son para leer este libro en voz alta a alguien diciendo sobre lo que ven en cada página. Los estudiantes deben usar oraciones completas y hablan en Inglés. 

Los niños de kínder tienen que ser capaces de leer y deletrear las palabras: Yo, como 

1er grado tienen una lista de palabras que necesitan para poder leer. Cada semana se añaden más palabras a la lista. Ver la página en este blog dedicado a esas palabras. Los estudiantes del 1er grado necesitan practicar la lectura de las palabras cada día. Podría ser útil para poner las palabras en tarjetas de memoria flash. Entonces usted puede autoevaluarse al alumno en las palabras y que hará más fácil para que usted pueda centrarse en las palabras que él / ella no sabe todavía. Una vez que el estudiante ha aprendido a leer las palabras, él / ella puede empezar a aprender a deletrear las palabras que él / ella ya sabe leer. 

Es importante que usted lea a su hijo todos los días ya sea en Inglés o Español. Pregúntele a su hijo acerca de lo que se lee a él / ella. Aquí están algunas ideas de algunas preguntas que usted podría pedir a su hijo. Pregunte acerca de los personajes, el escenario, y la idea principal de la historia. Pregunte acerca de su / su parte favorita y qué partes él / ella podría relacionarse. Haga que su niño comparar y contrastar la historia a otra historia que él / ella ha leído antes. 

Su hijo tiene que leer en voz alta todos los días en Inglés durante 10-15 minutos. Él / ella puede leer los lectores que se envían a casa cada día.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Class News

This blog will be updated with information for our class. Check back often for updates.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Independence Day

Independence Day is coming up.  Do you love and appreciate the freedoms you have as a citizen of this great country?  Are you helping to make our country a better place to be.  Remember, you can be anything you want to be if you work hard and do your very best.  Only you can determine your future.  Do what it takes to make your dreams come true.  Learn what you need to do.  Your actions have consequences.  What are the results that you want, what actions do you need to take to receive those results?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

173 Days

This is 173rd day in 2014. Do you know how many days are left in 2014? Make your guess and then scroll down to find the answer.

192 days

Monday, June 16, 2014

Did You Know?

On June 16, 2010 Bhutan became the first country to have total ban on tobacco.

Do you know where the country of Bhutan is?  

How much information can you learn about this country?

Do you know what a ban is?

Are you committed to be tobacco free? 

Are you committed to be drug free?

What harm is caused by using tobacco?

Friday, June 13, 2014

Read On

Free access to a digital library for every child!
Keep reading all summer long!

  1. Go to www.ReadOnArizona.org/myON
  2. Click on myon.com
  3. Select Log In Now
  • School Name: Read On Arizona, Digital Library
  • User name: read
  • Password: read

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Did You Know

On June 10, 2003 the Spirit Rover was launched, beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission. 

What do you know about Mars? Read a book, or go to the www.nasa.gov website to learn more.  

Here are some games about Mars that you can play.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Kindergarten Literacy Skills & Activities

Letter Naming - quickly recognize and name uppercase and lowercase letters

  • practice with flash cards
  • match uppercase and lowercase letters

Phonological Awareness - manipulate the sounds of spoken words

  • play rhyming games - say two words that rhyme (bat, hat) and ask your child to say a word that rhymes with those two words
  • take turns thinking of two words that begin with the same sound (man, mop; duck, dog; fat, furry)
  • say a word, one sound at a time, and then have your child say the word at the normal rate - for example - you say "/b/ /a/ /t/" then your child says "bat"

Phonics - know all the sounds of the letters of the alphabet

  • make a list of CVC words and have your child practice sounding them out and blending them back together to form real words (mat, fan, bet, pen, hid, pod, cod, hut) (CVC = consonant, vowel, consonant)
  • write two sets of CVC words on flash cards - play memory

Decoding - read new words by sounding them out and blending them back together to form real words

Book Reading

  • Schedule 15-20 minutes a day for reading
  • Picture walk - before reading, guide your child in making predictions as he/she looks at each picture
  • Talk about interesting and new words while reading
  • Model fluent reading - bring your energy and excitement to books as you read them aloud to your child.
  • After reading, talk about what happened at the beginning, middle, and the end of the story.

Online Resources, Activities, and Games

Resources to print and practice at home

Star Fall

PBS Kids

Lil' Fingers

Scholastic Interactive Storybook

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just about 2 more weeks

In just about 2 weeks I'll be having my new baby.  We are so excited about the new addition to our family.  I will post pictures, but be patient.  It will take a while.  In the meantime, keep visiting my blog and one day you will see pictures of Baby Abbi.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

School's Out

Just because school is out for the summer, it doesn't mean you have to stop learning. Come back here and visit often. Play new games and learn more while you play. Get yourself ready for the next school year, and have fun while you do!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Swimming Season

Are you ready to go swimming this summer?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Upcoming Holiday

Soon it will be Memorial Weekend. Do you know what this holiday is all about? Here are some online activities to help you learn about this holiday.

Quiz - How much do you know?
US Flag Puzzle

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Did You Know?

On May 11, 1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was founded. Most people know this organization who is in charge of the Academy Awards every year.

Monday, May 5, 2014

It Is Important To Be Nice

Treat other people the way you want to be treated.

If you want people to accept you for who you are, you need to accept others for who they are.

If you want other people to respect your culture, beliefs and values then you need to respect the culture, beliefs, and values of others.

If you want other people to be nice to you, then you need to be nice to other people.

It takes a lot of patience and it doesn't work over night, but if you are nice to others eventually they will be nice to you.  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The End is Near

The end of the school year is approaching but don't stop applying yourself.  Here are some good study tips to help you finish out the year strong.

1) Read for at least 20 minutes every day
2) Practice math facts for 5-10 minutes every day
3) Do some homework every day
4) At least once a week, practice writing - at least a paragraph long

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Test Time

It is almost time for AIMS (or PARCC) testing.  Are you ready? Here is an online activity to help you prepare.

Math Test Prep

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Easter Games

Easter is coming up. Here are some Easter games you can play. Have fun.

Easter Egg Hunt

Monday, March 31, 2014

Hannah Updates

I promised some Hannah updates.  She is getting so big.  I love her so much!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Big Announcement

Hannah is going to be a big sister!  Abbigail will be born on June 21st!  Hannah will have a baby sister.  We are so excited!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It's been a while

Sorry, I have not posted anything for a while.  I've been kind of busy.  I am trying to do better.  As a matter of fact. . . keep checking because I'll be announcing some really big news. . . something I should have posted a couple of months ago. :-)