
Information for my class can be found here.

For text reminders text @gardner1b to 81010 or @gardner1b to (623) 552-4519.

For email reminders send a blank email to gardner1b@mail.remind.com

For the app go to rmd.at/gardner1b

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer Pictures

Dear Students,

Many of you have been curious about the size of my stomach. In the early months of a pregnancy it is difficult to notice. The baby is so small that it doesn't need a lot of room. As the baby gets larger, so does my stomach. During the last few months my stomach will look bigger and I will look more and more pregnant.

Those last few months are during the summer and you will not see me during that time. Therefore, I will add pictures this summer of me and my growing belly. Come back often to my blog and you will get to see how my stomach starts too look more and more like one of a pregnant woman.

Have fun this summer!


Mrs. Gardner


After the baby is born, I'll post pictures for you to all see her.

Monday, May 16, 2011

4th, 5th, and 6th Graders

This week, we will be completing this in class together. Please click on this link.


7th and 8th Graders

We will be going to this website this week and completing it together.


8B - Monday, May 16, 2011

Today we will be taking a bully survy - if it is ready on time.

If the survey is not ready on time you will spend the class period working on missing assignments.

If you do not have any missing assignments and would like extra credit, you may complete this quiz on line - http://assignments.discoveryeducation.com/?cdPasscode=QA87F-4267

You user name is your grade, the first letter of your first name, and your last name
example if your name is Maria Garcia you would put 8Bmgarcia.

The passcode is QA87F-4267

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6th Grade - Vocabulary 3

Mr. Zizis's 6th Grade Homework Assignment

Click on the link below:




User Name:

your first initial - your last name (example: 6Zmgarcia)

GOAL - Get 100% - retake it if you need to

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6th Grade - vocabulary 2

Here is the link for this week's homework assignment for Mr. Zizis's class - due May 10th.


Your username is 6Z - then the first letter of your first name - then your last name
Example (if your name is Maria Garcia) - 6Zmgarcia

You need to try to earn 100% - you may take it more than once in order to get 100%

Here is the code for the Quiz


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The End is Near

As we draw to the close of another school year, I would like to let all of you know that I have really enjoyed being your computer teacher. I am looking forward to seeing you all next year, though it will be a bit different because Hannah is due on August 24th, just days after school begins.

Remember, the school year is not yet over, continue to give your best effort. Spend the last moments of this year enjoying your classmates, your teachers, and going above and beyond.


Mrs. Gardner