
Information for my class can be found here.

For text reminders text @gardner1b to 81010 or @gardner1b to (623) 552-4519.

For email reminders send a blank email to gardner1b@mail.remind.com

For the app go to rmd.at/gardner1b

Monday, August 27, 2018

3 Day Weekend

Next Monday, September 3, 2018 is Labor Day. Enjoy a day off with your family. Have a great 3-Day weekend!

Clubs and Tutoring Begin

Today is the first day of clubs! :-) Please make sure you pick up your child at 4:00 pm.

Tomorrow is the first day of tutoring. Only students who are invited to attend tutoring are able to attend. Please make sure you pick up your child at 4:00 pm.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Homework Clarification 8/20/18

The homework packet mentions something about prodigy but I have not sent home the login information for that yet. It will go home tomorrow.

Here is the website to go to for your child to complete iReady lessons at home www.clever.com/in/sonoranschools

It is not required to complete these lessons at home. If you choose to have your child complete some lessons at home, it is important that your child does these lessons on his/her own in order for him/her to completely learn and grow academically.

Their user name and password is the same - their student id number. If you don't have your child's school id number, please let me know and I can get it to you.

 Here is the Hooda Math link mentioned in the homework packet.


Clubs and Tutoring

Clubs and tutoring begins next week.

Clubs are held on Mondays. Please return your selection for clubs for your child as soon as you can so that we can assign your child to the appropriate club.

Tutoring is held on Tuesdays. You will receive a letter inviting your child to attend tutoring.

Students who attend clubs and tutoring need to be picked up, there is no bus transportation after clubs and tutoring.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

First Grade Testing

1st graders will have their Reading iReady Diagnostic placement test on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 and their Math iReady Diagnostic placement test on Thursday, August 16, 2018.

Please make sure your child is well rested the night before and that he/she understand he/she just needs to do his/her best even if there are items he/she has never learned.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Donation Request

I have updated our classroom donation request sign-up.


First Full Week of School

Beginning this week, for the next 3 weeks K-8 students will begin iReady placement testing. Students only need to do their best. The test is adaptive so they may see questions covering material they have not yet learned. This helps us determine what they know and what they need to learn this year so that we can help each child grow to his/her fullest potential.

There is no reason to stress over this assessment. Students only need to pay attention and do their best. There is a three week testing period, though students will be testing for only 2 of the days during these three weeks.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Red Homework Folders

Students should bring their red homework folder to and from school every day.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

1st Day of School

Green folders will stay at school for their work that stays in their desk. Red folders will go home daily and will be returned to school daily.

A few papers went home today in your child's folder.
1) a newsletter from me
2) an August reading log
3) a sign for your car for parent pick up (for after school, after clubs,or after tutoring)
4) a page that needs to be completed and filled out for the office -both sides